Greetings from rainy Costa Rica! We have now come to accept that each season of our lives is just as crazy as the last! This season has been no exception. It has been full of new and challenging experiences as we have worked to adapt to CINCEL (language school) life. Tech has spent many evenings working on Spanish homework and I have spent many days subbing in the MK school as well as learning to grocery shop without a car. It’s not too fun, I can assure you! But we have also enjoyed our time here, visiting the beach and living in community with the other missionary students. We have been blessed to get to know them and see their hearts for the countries and people groups God has called them to. God is going to do great things through them!
Last week we were able to attend the all LAC missionary retreat and had a wonderful time. We were encouraged, felt the Lord’s presence, and enjoyed fellowship with our LAC missionary community. Serenity loved seeing the other missionary kids and the MK program but in all honesty, I think she loved the pool the most! It was a great week and we were so blessed. We love our regional and area directors and are thankful for their pastoral care over us.
We’ve also recently had an unexpected turn of events, which happens often in missionary life. Flexibility is key! At the retreat we were asked to go early to Ecuador to help oversee the school of ministry that was started by missionary friends as well as their church plant while they are on a short, medical hiatus in the U.S. We have received approval for this change and will be heading to northern Ecuador on the 17th of August. Please keep us in your prayers as we make this move. Tech will be continuing to take Spanish classes online with CINCEL beginning in September and we will be trying to settle in while we help with the School of Ministry. There will be a lot going on! Keep Serenity in your prayers as well. She’s had quite a bit of transition this year!
Thank you so much for your continued financial support and prayers. When we were approved to come to Costa Rica, we were given a provisional financial clearance. This meant that we were approved to go because we were close to raising all our budget. We hoped that more would continue to come in as we were in Costa Rica. If not, we would be required to resume itineration in the states before heading to Ecuador. While we have not quite reached our full budget, enough has continued to come in to give us full clearance! Those of you who are monthly supporters may have recently received an email about this. We are so thankful and blessed! Thank you so much to all those who have continued to give faithfully and to all our new supporters. Tech and I feel that we have such a great team behind us and know that we could not be where we are without each one of you. Thank you for investing in what God is doing in us and through us. You are a blessing!
We continue to pray that God would multiply the work of your hands and would truly make Himself known in new ways among your families and your churches. He is so good and desires to draw near. May you see Him clearly in this second half of 2023!
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