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Writer's pictureNewsletter

Spring 2021

Updated: Dec 31, 2022

Spring/ Summer Sprint Greetings to all our dear friends! Happy June! We hope you are enjoying the beginning of summer as the weather warms up and everything is green again. I love the spring and summer as everything seems to come to life again. I’m always reminded of the seasons in our lives and how God continually breathes new life into our dry and winter-barren hearts. It’s so easy to get caught up in the frustrations of life and become weary in the driest and coldest of seasons. But our hope in Christ gives us faith that, at the end of every winter, those seemingly dormant seeds begin to produce new life again. Our life in Christ assures us that although the winter season seems dead and barren, those seeds that God has planted are still alive and well, hibernating and living, even through the dark times. Spring comes along and up rise the new blooms of what Christ has been doing in our hearts through the winter. And in the summer, we enjoy and reap the rewards of that work! So I pray that in this summer season, you will enjoy the new life that God is bringing forth in you. May you rest in His love and work in your life.

We are so excited to announce that we are in full sprint on the iteration road again! We have all been through trying times with Covid closures and fear last year but, as churches have been returning to a bit more normalcy, we have been able to begin to really travel again. This is very exciting as we are more than ready to get our budget raised and begin preparing for our work in Ecuador. We are looking forward to this new season as things open up again.

Although we are in this for the long haul like a marathon runner, we feel these next few months are a sprint to get us to our place of calling. We need your help in this race. We are in need of monthly supporters to fulfill our budget needs to be released to go. If you know anyone who would be a good fit to partner with us, please introduce us and if you feel the Lord leading you to partner with us in this way, we’d love to tell you how.

For those of you who began supporting us before/ during Covid season, we appreciate your encouragement and unwavering support and love during these challenging times. For those who have come along side of us recently, we welcome you to the team! We are so thankful for the amazing partnerships God has given us. You are all a blessing to us!


Serenitys Space Serenity had a challenging year but finished kindergarten strong! She just graduated and is already asking when school starts again! We are so thankful that she loves people and loves to learn as well. We are taking every opportunity to enjoy our time together with our family while we are close by and plan to make the most of our summer - even if she continually asks if tomorrow is a school day! It is amazing to see God’s work in her as she learns more about Him and becomes more curious about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives as well. We continuously pray that God would give her hunger to know Him and it’s such a blessing to see that prayer answered! She is a firecracker and keeps us on our toes and our knees!


Prayer requests – We are currently at about 50% of our total budget. We would like to be able to leave for the field at the end of this year.

Pray for God ordained opportunities for us to share about our ministry and for partners to come along side of us.

Pray that God would show you someone you could share our ministry with who may be a good fit to partner with us!

If you would like a printable copy of the newsletter, click here

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