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Thanks for not "going home"

Writer's picture: TechTech

Updated: Feb 9, 2020

I've been thinking about the best way to address this issue while displaying the character that a Christ follower should have. My flesh is ready to bow up and attack this man who has attacked my beliefs and fellowship in the past. Now he mocks a sister in Christ (regardless of what you think of her) and in doing so mocks so many others out there who God has called. This isn't about a theological disagreement. This is about the boldness in which he chose to mock Beth Moore. I don't want to give his name anymore attention that he has already gotten, nor do I want to give those who agreed and laughed at his comments any more spotlight than they already have received. Instead I want to pick up where I started a little over a week ago when I posted " I love to hear my girl preach." She is an incredible preacher of the word of God. She was called, anointed and gifted by the same God that this man believes he serves.

I love the response from Beth Moore to the one who suggested she "Go Home". She tweeted:

"Here’s the beautiful thing about it & I mean this with absolute respect. You don’t have to let me serve you. That gets to be your choice. Whether or not I serve Jesus is not up to you. Whether I serve you certainly is. One way or the other, I esteem you as my sibling in Christ."

"I did not surrender to a calling of man when I was 18 years old. I surrendered to a calling of God. It never occurs to me for a second to not fulfill it. I will follow Jesus - and Jesus alone - all the way home. And I will see His beautiful face and proclaim, Worthy is the Lamb!"

There is no man (or woman) on this earth who has to let my wife serve them as she delivers a message given to her by the Lord. They don't have to allow the Lord to speak to them through her but I would caution them against their arrogance. Regardless, as Beth Moore tweeted, whether or not she serves Jesus is not up to you. He calling is not up to you. Her giftings and how she uses those gifts are not up to you. It's not up to me or anyone else on this planet. It is between her and Jesus. God is delighted in his daughter as she uses her gifts to glorify Him. He speaks to her and uses her as His mouthpiece to speak to both the bride and the lost alike. There is much to gain, should we chose to listen.

I for one, chose to listen. I will listen to Megan just as much as any male preacher called by God. I am thankful for the Women who throughout history have embraced their calling even when it has not been embraced by their contemporaries. I am indebted to the female pastors, preachers, missionaries, and those without one of these titles but who still faithfully serve the word of God in obedience to the one who called them, allowing the word to transform lives. Some I have had the privilege of knowing and hearing first hand. Some I only know through the legacy they have left/ are leaving. Others I may never know or even know of this side of heaven.

Thank you for not just "Going Home". Thank you for your faithfulness to your calling. Thank you for not allowing offense from what many might say is "not your place" to keep you from your service. Thank you for providing a Godly example for my daughter to see. Thank you, although you are due many apologies, for never seeking them and continuing to walk in grace and humility. Thank you for speaking the Word of God with conviction. Thank you for leaving everything to go preach to those who have not heard. Thank you for standing firm, when some would tell you to go home, proclaiming the truth, setting the captives free and inviting the lost to come home.

I considered naming some incredible Women of faith who I hope to honor with this post but there are too many to name. From scripture and throughout history up to the present day. I apologize to you for what you have and continue to endure. Please share this with those who should be listed and tell them thank you for not "going home".

Edit: Some have asked about the theology behind this so I am adding some links to some articles that address this.



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