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Winter 2020

Updated: Dec 31, 2022

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! It’s a bit late, but like most of you have probably experienced, January and February have been a whirlwind of planning, school activities, and, unfortunately, sickness. Tech and I spent Valentine’s Day at the doctor after he ordered me to get checked out. I’m on the mend now and hoping that Serenity and Tech will stay that way. I don’t know about you, but I love the beginning of a new year. It’s full of possibilities and fresh ideas. I’m always thankful that God renews our vision as we walk through the many different seasons of life. I’m also thankful that He finds new ways to encourage us and remind us of our calling.

The new year is a great time to reassess and reevaluate the different things we are involved in and determine if they are in line with what God has called us to do. It’s so easy to become bogged down by the busyness of life. This is one thing I have learned in my time back in the U.S. As North Americans, we love to be busy! And much of our busyness centers around ministry opportunities and church activities - all wonderful things. But often, God calls us to quiet our minds and find time to focus on Him and His calling on our lives. Business can often become the enemy of our calling. I pray that as we begin this new year, you will find time to evaluate all the activities, events and groups that you are involved in to determine which things actually fulfill the call of God on your life. Take a good look at each one and, in the words of Marie Kondo, “Does it spark joy?”

Serenitys Space It’s birthday time for Serenity! She is very excited to turn 5 years old this month. She has been counting down the days on the calendar and has a new idea for her birthday cake every day. At one point she even asked for a potato themed party because it would be so funny! We are amazed at her growth and how clever she is. She recently said to me, while driving home from school, “Momma, if God lets us move again, maybe we can move to Texas!” Her cousin lives in Dallas so I guess she is making a plan to move closer to him. As a parent, I am constantly amazed at how God uses our children to teach us. I am reminded of His patience, love, and mercy daily. But I am also challenged to exemplify those things in our home - something at which I’m usually not very successful! I’m thankful for Serenity and how God uses her as a mirror in my life. I pray that, as we grow together, I will model Christ’s love for her more and more.


Our prayer – Lord, we are so blessed to have so many people invested in our lives. We pray that, in this new year, You will fill each of them with renewed vision and calling. We pray that Your Spirit would abide in their homes and family as they pursue You and all that You have for them. May this year be filled with growth and fulfillment of Your purpose in their lives.

Prayer requests – Continued financial and prayer support Protection as we travel Encouragement and supernatural rest during this season

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