The Chota Valley
The first Afro-Ecuadorians arrived in the middle of the 16th century (1526). During the Spanish conquest, jesuits and landowners began importing African slaves to the Ecuadorian coast. They were forced to work the Sugar cane fields and later the gold mines. Once slavery officially ended, Afro-Ecuadorians continued to suffer from racism and discrimination. Without land, economic power or access to good education, the generations that followed continue to suffer. With between 1.5- 2 million people, they make up around 8-10% of the population of Ecuador. Of the Afro Ecuadorians, it's believed that around 1% have made Jesus Lord of their lives.
Missions Teams
We love working with missions teams. Between the two of us, we have worked with over 50 short term teams. Whether construction, medical, evangelism or youth teams, we love introducing people to missions. We believe the Church should be actively involved in missions and consider it to be both a blessing and a privilege to be a part of this experience. We love connecting the US church with her brothers and sisters around the world.
If you would like to bring a team or are interested in more information, start by clicking below.
Ekballo School of Ministry, Church Planting & Leadership
Ekballo School of Ministry is a dream that God gave our team leads several years ago. After living and serving in Ecuador, they quickly realized the need to train and prepare nationals to help us plant churches. Studies show that 65% of seminary graduates never go on to plant churches nor become pastors. Even more heartbreaking is the statistic that, the Assemblies of God (the largest evangelical presence in Ecuador) is reaching less than 2% of the country’s total population. Immediately, we felt compelled to launch something different. What makes Ekballo different from the typical seminary is that we offer continued learning through Global University, while receiving hands-on training in the ministry at the same time. Students will receive their credentials with the Assemblies of God, as well as receive their certification in church planting.
La Comuna Alta
La Comuna is a sector of Quito strategically located in the center of the city that has in recent years become home for thousands of refugees from Venezuela, as well as poverty-stricken Ecuadorians. Our hope is to start a church plant in this sector, reaching areas that do not yet have an established church in their communities. Our vision for this church plant is to reach the Venezuelan and poverty-stricken Ecuadorian families in this unreached sector of Quito.
We currently have a home group meeting in a house in this community that was birthed from a Christmas outreach, and we are currently working to confirm, according to call and spiritual gifting, who will be the future pastor of this newly formed work.